Claire made her trip to the Rainbow Bridge on October 14, 2024. She was adopted by the Barton’s on December 14, 2013 after being rescued from the Bastrop Animal Shelter.
When she was about to cross the Rainbow Bridge her family just wanted to tell her thank you again and again.
“Thank you for helping us heal when our first sheltie, Ginger, crossed. We were foster failures with you, Claire.
Thank you for helping us as each kid left for college and then welcoming them when they visited.
Thank you for being stunning when you’d volunteer at Sheltie rescue holiday wrapping days.
Thank you for being with us through Covid shutdown.
Thank you for always watching for us out the window, waiting ‘till we came home.
Thank you for accepting your nickname, Claire-the-incredible-barking-dog.
Thank you for helping us adjust to being empty nesters.
Thank YOU for rescuing us!”